To establish global harmony and peace, offer enlightment,to every citizen and invincibility to every nation through perfection in education .
To realize the cosmic nature of life and enliven the global collective consciousness through life supporting vedic principles and techniques of modern metthod for achieving invincibility,prosperity,perfection in education and fullfilment for mankind.
Principal Notes
” Children are likely to live up, to what you believe of them“
Education is not just a process of giving knowledge for a future job but a lifelong process which creates an understanding of moral and ethical values to guide one’s life in a right path. As a parent, you want the best for your child and we are proud to be working with you to ensure that they are given the right knowledge to face the future challenges. Parents, students and the school authorities are a team and we have to complement each other’s efforts.
” Do the work with intention not because of compulsion.”
With all my love, best wishes and blessings .
About Us
Rajkumar Public School (Estd. 01 July 2001)
Rajkumar Public School(RKPS) have been established to introduce vedic cum modern consciousness based education in C.G state. Our administrative and support staff has proven its importance in surajpur district of CHATTISGARH state for last 21 years.Keeping in view the local requirment,schools are functional from LKG TO 12th standard . This school is affliated with CGBSE RAIPUR which is state school education board. RKPS students apart from following state school education course pattern, also spiritual knowledge and yog as integral part of school routine.this approach has recieved wide aapreciation from parents and they have acknowledged substantial improvment in thier wards.All students studies advance techniques,to assain higher states of consciousness.This scientific aaproach to train and balance co-relation between mind,body and consciousness has recieved wide appreciation from parents and they have acknowledgend the subtansial improvment in thier wards . In the words of managment,the roots of modern day problems arebthe incomplete growth of human brain because of incomplete,fragmented education.The educatin is incomplete when the student is not able to utilise or devlop the creative brain potential,thereby allowing imbalances to creep in. The dissatisfaction created by the failure is nothing but an outcome comulative stress and strain due to gross violation of the law of nature.Thereby it is essential to take the knowledge through education to pure consciousness level,where all the laws of nature are aligned. This facilitates every student to add here to the law of nature and to realize an ideal and successful enviroment.To fulfill this aim,RKPS is establishing the value of pur consciousness in student across the states and country,thereby not only helping the students to gain conventional knowledge for gaining professional skill but also for gaining total knowledge of natural law for personal life. This allows the students to lead a stress-free and starin-free life to accomplish thier desires without any difficulty. The aim is to allow each generation to enjoy fruits of all knowledge and with its own accomplished life ,enliven whole world consciousness and play again the role of Jagat Guru.
Get In Touch
- Help Line Number - +91 8982202001
- Principal - +91 7049575604
- Vice Principal - +91 7828018100
- Near Sunday Market, Shivnandanpur, Bishrampur Dist: Surajpur (C.G.) - 497226